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                            Worship Gatherings

                    Sundays, 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 

                           Morning Prayer once a month               

                  Taize ~ 3rd. Friday of the month ~  

                                                   September ~ June  7:30 p.m.

                   Friday, January 17, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. 

        Candlelight & Prayer with songs of Taize 

Junior Youth Connections

Sparking Children's Faith: Sunday School

The Table - Youth

Family Eucharist

Taize Service

318 Queen Mary Drive,

Oakville  L6K 3L6  Ontario, Canada
Office: 905-845-6111/

Priest-in charge: The Reverend Fran Wallace


                                Donating to St. Aidan’s 
For information about donating to St. Aidan’s by cheque or credit card, please see the attached document, or make a donation with a button at the top of this website - 
through CanadaHelps, e-transfer, or the "donate" button, through the Diocese of Niagara. 
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© St Aidan's Anglican Church, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

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